Showing: 11 - 20 of 46 RESULTS
International holiday foods

Holiday Recipes from Around the World

Ready to try some new flavors? My kids have been protesting turkey as a holiday main dish this year. That’s all well and good. But what to do instead? Let’s broaden our culinary horizons with holiday recipes from around the world! In the past, our family has hosted holiday meals for international friends. But we’ve …

Fair Trade Peace Dove Ornaments

When embroidery is your lifeline…

Sometimes embroidery is about more than just art. For women in the “DX” region of northwest China, embroidery is a lifeline. Here, women struggle. They’re part of an ethnic minority in a very isolated region. Few jobs are available, so men go far afield to work, leaving their families alone. The poverty in this region …

fair trade kitchen towels india africa

Kitchen Towel Feedback & Giveaway

Kitchen towels. They’re a relatively quick sewing project, perfect for beginning and intermediate seamstresses so we often give this project to new artisans. And they’re fun to create because they’re also a staple of every kitchen. Drying your hands, mopping up spills, covering fresh baked bread – a kitchen towel is used in a myriad of …

Interested in being a Fair Trade Brand Ambassador?

Through our research and study of poverty, we’ve come to see that the best way to fight poverty is to provide dignity affirming work. Hand-out charity is only of limited good. But opportunities to earn? Those make the real difference. That’s why we actively recruit fair trade brand ambassadors for our products. Our business started …

Affordable Housing Justice Charlotte NC

Housing Injustice in Charlotte, NC

His apartment was crawling with cockroaches. He’d complained before to no avail. The management kept taking his requests and doing virtually nothing about it. There were other problems with the unit that the apartment’s staff ignored, and finally the father of three was fed up. He took his complaint to Charlotte’s Housing Department. The powers …