Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
Christmas Charity What works

Christmas Charity: Don’t Focus on Presents

I was chatting with a Christian non-profit director about his work in Florida. His organization has a large facility that holds donated clothing and food, has a good core of committed volunteers and has a wide outreach that gives to the poor in their community. And yet, this director wasn’t happy. “We’ve had the same …

International holiday foods

Holiday Recipes from Around the World

Ready to try some new flavors? My kids have been protesting turkey as a holiday main dish this year. That’s all well and good. But what to do instead? Let’s broaden our culinary horizons with holiday recipes from around the world! In the past, our family has hosted holiday meals for international friends. But we’ve …

Fair Trade Peace Dove Ornaments

When embroidery is your lifeline…

Sometimes embroidery is about more than just art. For women in the “DX” region of northwest China, embroidery is a lifeline. Here, women struggle. They’re part of an ethnic minority in a very isolated region. Few jobs are available, so men go far afield to work, leaving their families alone. The poverty in this region …

How to give to the poor this Christmas

Christmas Generosity: Why Dignity is the Best Gift

(This post was first guest published on Such as Time as This blog) I was recently chatting with a Christian non-profit director about his work in Florida. His organization has a large facility that holds donated clothing and food, has a good core of committed volunteers and has a wide outreach that gives to the …